“I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and you loved them even as you loved me.” John 17:23
The celebration at St. Thomas Catholic Church on Saturday, Jan 18, 2014, began with a procession followed by Eucharistic Adoration Prayer led by our Bishop H.E. Mar Bawai Soro and joined by our Bishop H.E. Mar Sarhad Y. Jammo, deacons and faithful from both St. Thomas Church and St. Matthew Church, as well as friends from other local parishes. We were also blessed to have with us our Pastors Fr. Awraha Mansoor and Fr. Peter Georgis along with Corbishop Samuel Dinkha of St. Paul Catholic Church (N. Hollywood, Ca) and Fr. Michael Barota of St. Mary’s Catholic Church (Campbell, Ca).
Following the prayer Fr. Awraha Mansoor greeted and welcomed both Bishops of our Chaldean Church, the pastors, and all the faithful present. In his opening statement, Fr. Awraha talked about the events leading to this jubilant gathering. The Church service concluded with spiritual and heartfelt messages by both Bishops as they elaborated on the JOURNEY OF UNITY they both traveled for many years and finally arrived at a time in which their UNITY dream came a reality blessed by our Holy Father Pope Francis, on 01/11/201, as he assigned the titular see of Foraziana to Mar Bawai Soro in pastoral service in the Chaldean Eparchy of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego, CA, USA.
Then we all went to the Church Hall as we spent memorable moments with our dear Bishops. At the Hall speeches were given by representatives of both St. Thomas and St. Matthew Parishes welcoming the Bishops, and expressing sincere gratitude and congratulations to them and all the guests. St. Matthew Kids Ministry, SMYLE Junior, gave a marvelous performance as they sang “Christians Let Us Love One Another” in honor of both our Bishops. Also, St. Matthew Choir, joined by St. Thomas Choir, sang the most fitting song for the occasion “We Are All One” written by our dear Corbishop Samuel Dinkha.
At the end of this joyful celebration, the faithful had a chance to personally greet and speak to our dear Bishop Bawai Soro. They happily conveyed to him their sincere congratulations and best wishes as he takes on his role of pastoral service in the Chaldean Eparchy of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego, CA, USA.
We would like to thank our Lord first, our dear Bishop Sarhad Y. Jammo, and all those who helped and supported us in our 8-year-long journey. We wish our dear Bishop Bawai Soro the best on his new journey and we always keep him in our prayers. God bless all.