How To Go To Confession
For Children Ages 7+
- The Priest will greet you and together you say: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
- You say: “Forgive me Father for I have sinned.” You tell the priest how long it has been since your last confession.
- You tell the priest your sins.
- The priest talks with you and gives you a penance.
- You pray the Act of Contrition. (See below.)
- The priest prays the words of absolution. Your sins are forgiven.
- You then say, “Thank you, Father.” You leave to do your penance and spend time in prayer.
1st Commandment
You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.
(The first commandment teaches us to put God first in our lives.)
- Have I prayed every day?
- Do I put Jesus first?
- Have I tried to pay attention during Mass and prayers?
2nd Commandment
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
(The second commandment teaches us to speak with respect about God and others.)
- Have I used God’s name carelessly?
- Am I respectful in church?
- Have I used bad words?
3rd Commandment
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
(The third commandment teaches us to take time to worship God regularly and frequently.)
- Do I willingly attend and participate in Mass every Sunday when my parents take me?
- Have I been moody and rebellious with my parents about praying and going to Church on Sunday?
- Do I help my family make Sunday a special day for Jesus?
4th Commandment
Honor your father and your mother.
(The fourth commandment teaches us to appreciate and respect our parents and those in authority.)
- Have I been respectful to my parents?
- Have I been respectful to my brothers and sisters?
- Have I done my chores without complaining or needing to be reminded?
- Do I listen to my parents or do I sometimes talk back to them?
- Am I always willing to be helpful to my parents and family?
- Have I been disrespectful to teachers or other adults?
- Have I pouted and been moody?
5th Commandment
You shall not kill.
(The fifth commandment teaches us to appreciate and respect the gift of life.)
- Do I keep my patience or do I lose my temper?
- Have I been selfish toward my parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, or my friends and schoolmates?
- Have I treated others with respect or have I made fun of them, called them names and hurt them with my words or actions?
- Do I forgive those who have hurt me?
- Do I think violent thoughts towards others?
6th Commandment
You shall not commit adultery.
(The sixth commandment teaches us to respect the gift of our sexuality and the gift of marriage.)
- Do I show respect for my body?
- Do I treat the bodies of others with respect?
- Have I watched bad televisions shows, looked at bad pictures or videos, or gone to bad internet sites?
- Have I listened to or told bad jokes or stories?
- Do I talk about body parts of myself or others with respect?
7th Commandment
You shall not steal.
(The seventh commandment teaches us to respect private property and the rights of others.)
- Have I stolen something that belongs to someone else?
- Have I been responsible with money or have I wasted it?
- Have I returned the things I have borrowed?
- Have I ruined someone else’s things?
- Have I always respected other people’s property or have I broken or destroyed it?
8th Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
(The eighth commandment teaches us always to speak the truth and never say more than is necessary.)
- Do I always tell the truth or do I sometimes lie?
- Have I cheated at school or games?
- Have I copied someone else’s homework?
- Have I broken a promise?
- Have I gossiped or told bad things about others?
9th Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
(The ninth commandment teaches us to appreciate the relationships God has given us and avoid inappropriate relationships.)
- Have I been jealous of the friends that someone else has?
- Have I tried to be kind to others?
- Have I tried to think only good thoughts about others which helps me to love them?
10th Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor’s things.
(The tenth commandment teaches us to find happiness where we are and to be grateful for what we do have.)
- Have I been jealous of the things that my friends have?
- Have I nagged my parents into buying things because my friends have them?
- Have I helped others when they needed help?
- Have I wanted to steal what others have?
Act of Contrition
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. Amen.